
I hate to delete things. They provide history and something to look back on so that you know how you've grown, what you've learned or can be reminded how you did something before. Most of the early stuff was posted as part of a general blog before the development and personal web sites were separated.

Ancient history:

Most of my old posts were, well not organised the way I would today. For the most part, they are not particularly enlightening to me today, but sometimes I do well to be reminded of what I've learned along the way. As I added the old posts to this new system, I was reminded of my history to try to find a reliable web host. At first I used geo-cities like so many others new to the web and wanting to learn how the Internet works. As I became more adept at building my own web pages, I felt a need for a site where I could register my own domain name. is born: I was working at DRS Enterprises as a webmaster, support technician and aspiring geek. The internet was becoming heavily involved with web pages and "world wide web" was becoming a well known phrase. I felt like it was a good time to get my own website,  but name after name was already taken. After much discussion with Gary (a co-worker, friend and inspiration) I settled on phantomcode because it wasn't taken and it implied the kind of work I desired. I wanted to become proficient at doing the mechanical work behind the scenes, the coding that made things works, the kind of stuff people are unaware of.

These days, I'm a network architect who maintains servers, manages code on a banking system and does some minor web page design. I've moved from asp to cold fusion to asp and from host to host to host. I've managed my own hosting and now, just as I write this, I'm on Google, a company I'd never heard of when I started but which now I consider one of the premier web service providers in the world.